CheckMy Driver

For Auto Rentals

It’s vital that your drivers carry active, accurate, and adequate coverage during the term of their rental.

CheckMy Driver automates insurance verification and monitoring, checking to make sure their coverage remains active and adequate throughout their rental.

14% of Drivers are Uninsured

With 51 million drivers on the road uninsured or underinsured, do you want to risk the loss of your asset or liability exposures for your rental? Know your driver is insured by verifying and monitoring their insurance during their rental.

We Fix the Broken Insurance Verification Process

Proof ≠ Verification

Insurance is complicated and your customers can change coverage and carriers, creating confusion for them and you with old ID cards. In just a few clicks, CheckMy Driver verifies their policy is active, adequate, and accurate.

Stop Wasting Time

Why wait until they’re ready to drive to check? Automatically verify your driver’s policy is active and adequate anytime, including before their reservation.

Monitor Their Insurance

Just because their policy looks good when they take the keys doesn’t mean it’ll remain that way. We’ll automatically keep an eye on their policy for you, notifying you if it’s cancelled or their coverages change.

Risk Mitigation Options

What happens when their insurance isn’t active, adequate, or is cancelled during their rental? Based on your preferences, CheckMy Driver helps them fix the problem.

How It Works - As Easy As 1, 2, 3

Step 1

You Trigger Verification for Your Customer

Step 2

Renter Signs In, Verifies Coverage

Embedded Insurance Options if Coverage Inactive or Inadequate

Step 3

You and Your Renter Receive Results


Policy Monitored for Changes, Notifying You of Cancellation or Coverage Changes

Two Ways to Get Started with CheckMy Driver

User-Friendly Application

No Tech resources? No problem! Get up and running on our easy-to-use web application in minutes.

Flexible API

Want to pull our verification and monitoring processes into your own systems? Our API can meet your needs.

Do You Have More Questions?

Chat with us to learn more about how CheckMy Driver can help protect your business.

Criminal Report

Criminal records coverage may vary due to (1) jurisdictions limiting what records are eligible to return and (2) TransUnion limiting records that do not meet its data quality standards. As of the Rev. Date, criminal records are available to return in:

Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington and West Virginia.

Rev. Date 01/10/24