
CheckMy Driver Introduces Customer-Led Insurance Verification

CheckMy Driver’s Latest Feature Saves over 30 Minutes per Transaction

Charlotte, NC, July 25, 2024 — CheckMy Driver is bringing insurance and ID verification for auto transactions from the Stone Age into the Digital Age with its new consumer experience that will now save more than 30 minutes per transaction at the dealership.

Auto dealers typically spend 30 minutes or more verifying insurance and ID during each sale, wasting time and creating a terrible customer experience. On top of that, the recent FTC Safeguards rule could hit dealers with substantial fines if they don’t take measures to protect their customer’s personal data while checking it with carriers.

But CheckMy Driver, built by Modives, eliminates those concerns and reduces the time to verify insurance to less than two minutes on average while removing compliance risks and without dealers needing to touch a single button. That shift improves customer experience and satisfaction, and combines two parts of the sales process—insurance and ID verification—into one easy step.

Now, CheckMy Driver can be introduced at any point in the process—before test driving, when buying or leasing a vehicle, even if it’s a service loaner. Through the new UI, the customer only has to use a QR code or link, snap a picture of their ID and connect with their insurer. CheckMy Driver’s system returns usable business results, not more data and more work.

“Our new consumer experience eliminates virtually all friction from the insurance and ID verification process in auto dealerships,” said Modives Chief Product Officer Russell Barner. “Insurance and ID verification make so much sense together, as they’re a big point of the auto transaction process. By combining the two, we can virtually eliminate the estimated $3.6 billion in auto lender losses last year, with 79% of auto dealers getting hit with a loss.”

CheckMy Driver is the only insurance verification product on the market that checks coverage is active, accurate, and adequate in real-time through its AI-driven process, telling dealers through notifications if anything needs to be addressed before completing their transaction.

“We wanted to make a product that fixed this broken insurance verification system, leaving customers and dealers happy, saving them time, and getting rid of compliance risks,” said Modives CEO Frederick Waite. “CheckMyDriver connects insurance carriers to dealerships for verification, just like Plaid connects banking information to payment apps.”

In addition to its simple verification process, which can be set up in less than five minutes through its web application, CheckMy Driver can also connect with any DMS or CRM to deliver consumer information directly into those applications along with the verification results, as early as before the test drive.
Picture of About Modives

About Modives

Modives makes insurance verification and monitoring easy during auto and property transactions for life events, reducing time, cost, and risk for its partners while creating a better customer experience. Through its patent-pending technology, Modives creates an automated, real-time process, verifying that insurance is active, accurate, and adequate, creating transparency, and providing risk mitigation solutions.

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Criminal Report

Criminal records coverage may vary due to (1) jurisdictions limiting what records are eligible to return and (2) TransUnion limiting records that do not meet its data quality standards. As of the Rev. Date, criminal records are available to return in:

Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington and West Virginia.

Rev. Date 01/10/24